triggers won,t let my eel eat

i was thinking if i should get rid of my eel and get a more aggressive eel ,or put the eel in another tank i love my eel but the triggers eat evrything and even the yellow tang eats the silver sides , they don,t bother the lionfish but when the eel tries to eat they eat all the fish , and the eel at times bites the triggers but i,am thinking the eel will not get enough to eat what to do ? :rolleyes:


Active Member
I have same problem in my 135 between my Clown Trigger, Blue Moon Angel, Twin Spot Wrasse, and Golden Moray Eel. The others wait for the feeding stick and usually get the food first. I have ordered one of those feeding tubes that is supposed to keep the fish from getting the food but not the Eel. Have seen them before but never tried one, so we will see if that helps the Eel out.


Active Member
Could you possibly feed at oppisite ends of the tank, drop food for the triggers at one end then feed the eel at the other. It might help. Lisa


i have the same problem. my clown triggers a giant pig. I feed him flake food (hes still a baby) on one side of the tank so he has to swim all over to catch it...then i give my eel food with a prong while the clowns occupied
i had the feeding tube but i missed placed it but even than they would stick they head in itand eat all the fish i get so mad that i want to get rid of them ,lol but i hav to think of a new idea of feeding on the other side but they swim fast but i,ll keep trying, thanks for the helps ladies and gents :D


Active Member
Ordered the feeding tube tonight should be here Monday or Tuesday and we will see how it works for me. My fish are to big to get their heads in it but will the Eel put its head in it is the question I have. Once I see if it works let you know.


Pufferlover let us know how the feeding tube works out, I have been thinking of getting one but was not sure it would work. Thanks guppie
my eel got sick of not eating as much as he is use to and grabed the blue damsel as the damsel was trying to get scraps he got bite pretty bad but he was put in the 20 gallon so he is doing ok but let me know how the tube worked out for you guys later :mad:


Active Member
I will let you all know how it works once I get it (probably Monday or Tuesday I went for 2nd day air). I hope it solves my problems as I am afraid all this fighting for the Eels food might get my Clown Trigger to forget how good it has been for the 4 1/2 years I have had it.
ok last night after i work i get home and i start to feed the fish ad than it,s time to feed the lion and the eel and here come the triggers , the tang and start to eat all the silver sides and the eel isn,t eating so i lost it i grab the big sea shell that the eel sleeps in and drilled a big hole in it and now the eel can eat i put the silver sides in the hole and he eats,so it,s a tempory fix for now ! :mad: