

I have two triggers in my 55g. One I believe has a parasite infection. It is like a white stringy thing coming from his side. Looks almost like a snails anntena. They have been in the tank for about 3-4 weeks now and are eating and swimming around. About 2 days ago I noticed that they were both frequentaly diving in to the the substrate. I check all my levels and every think was fine.
I am not 100% sure that they have infections or not but it seems like they do. If so should I FW dip them and how long do I do this for??
I will also start soaking their food in garlic
thx for the help


Staff member
Can you describe the problem, or parasites, in more detail. How many, are they just a few that don't move, size, shape.
FW dips are pretty stressful and are usally only a temporary solution.
Do you have a QT?


Every thing has cleared up beth thx for your help.
I dipped their food in garlic extract and gave them some medication, and got a cleaner wrasse.
I thought the Niger had a fuzzy cloudy over his eye and it was just some uneaten food. And he did have some parasite on his left side buit the cleaner took care of that within minutes of me putting him in the tank.
Thx again.