

Here's a list of the nice triggers:
Blue Cheeckline Triggerfish(Melichthys indicus)
Black Finned Triggerfish(Melichthys ringens)
PinkTail Triggerfish(Melichythys vidua)
Picasso Triggerfish(Rhinecanthus aculeatus)
Assasi Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus assasi)
Rectangle Triggerfish(Rhinecanthus rectangulus)
Blue-Throat Triggerfish(Xanthichthys auromarginatus)
Here's a list of the mean triggers:
Undulated Triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus)
Queen Triggerfish (Balistes vetula)
Clown Triggerfish(Balistoides conspicullum)
Bursa Triggerfish(Sufflamen bursa)
Niger Triggerfish (sometimes nice)(Odunus Niger)
Indian Triggerfish (Xanthichthys mento)
Hope this helps!


Generally Niger triggers are pretty placid, I know that Fixit/Blue had a niger in their reef system for a while. They took it out because they bought a 200 gal tank for more aggressive fish. But dlight had a niger in his tank, but he did get mean. But I think that the reason is that he cycled the tank with the trigger, which is alright, but any other fish that you put into that tank will be 'tresspassers' in his territory. So, always put the trigger in last, it could be dangerous.
But then again there are always exceptions to the rule.
i seen a 2foot queen trigger in a tank with fish half of its size with him i was shocked when i seen it that big with other fish. it looked like the queen could bite my arm in half. i guess it depends on the trigger.
most aggressive are queens,undulates,clowns
[ October 12, 2001: Message edited by: TRIGAHAPPYNIGER ]


Here's my list of nice triggerfish:
Yeah, its empty...who are you kidding? There's no such thing as a nice triggerfish. Its like asking what type of shark won't eat my damsel? While there may be some relatively calm triggers out there, there is no such thing as a sure-fire nice trigger. You can say a niger is nice if you want, but come look at mine and you might change your mind. He bit my groupers tell half way off the first ten minutes he was in my tank.


You know that is a hard question to answer. Every fish is different, some types of triggers can be less mean then others but that does not mean one of them will not tear up another fish. I have had better luck with getting them small, and putting them in the tank with fish that are bigger then them, not so they get picked on but just so they don't start off trying to rule the tank. That has worked well for me so far. Good Luck
pink tail triggers are cool and so are niger , but i have a clown and hum hum and they are mean not to mention my undulated :rolleyes:


I have a niger with a coral beauty and 2 damsels and he doesn't bother anyone. I've also had a peaceful picasso and every clown trigger i've had has been the most friendlist fish in the tank. The meanest I think would definetly be the Undulated.