Tring to get rid of ich but water is cloudy!!! HELP


New Member
I had my water tested today and everything is perfect but I have one problem my water is very cloudy.. I lost some fish to ich a couple of days ago. And was told to let the tank set with no fish for 30 days. SO what do I about the cloudness???
Thanks for all the help!


what kind of filtration and water movement do you have?
are you using carbon?
did you put chemicals in there to treat the ich?
what is your water source - tap water?
have you done a water change lately?
just a couple of things to check on first to narrow the problem. of course, it could be a bunch of other thigns!


Well-Known Member
Sorry about yor loss.
how did the water get cloudy? If it is from the lost fish it probably is dead bacteria from the spike after losing your fish.
Sure let the system run fishless for at least three weeks. but if you don't have thriving plant life, add some. that will help quickly clear the water and help make sure the system helps the future fish.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Tamera
Since Dec.!

In that case the cloudyness is probably do to the loss of the fish. The bioload decreased and bacteria died off. Again plant life will help. filtering with say a canister filter with water polisher will also. basically you got toclear it up then slowly reestablish the bacteria again with a new bioload. Again plant life will help.


Active Member
And was told to let the tank set with no fish for 30 days.
Yes, 30 days to make sure the doesn't return. Use a hospital tank before you add any more fish to th e system. That way you can spot a problem before it goes in the display.:joy:
I lost some fish to ich a couple of days ago.
What kind and how many? Did you take them out?
SO what do I about the cloudness???
Try cabon and a water change. Are you using any other type of filters? Do you have a refuge?
One more comment, a sudden bioload decrease will not cause all the bacteria to die off suddenly. You can keep up the population by still adding food to the tank, BTW.