Tripod vs no Tripod


Without, Wow am i amazed at the difference I never thought i needed on till i started photographing fish


Staff member
I have been thinking of using one myself. I'm assuming they can adjust the camera up/down, sideways, etc?


Active Member
Tripods can make a big difference, especially if using slower shutter speeds or zooming in very tightly. When I take some of my shots on the tripod I either use a remote or a 2-second delay so my shaky hands do not blur the shot.



Originally posted by Beth
I have been thinking of using one myself. I'm assuming they can adjust the camera up/down, sideways, etc?

Yea this thing moves almost everyway you could thin of
it even lets the camera body tilt to do diamond shots (if that makes any sense)
Here are a couple of my new favorite pictures


Active Member
I should concider getting a tripod too. I just got my new camera a couple of days ago, and I'm already looking to accessorize.