Trocus snail egg sacs and other odditys


New Member
I've had about six trocus snails in my tank for about a month. Two weeks ago I started seeing egg sacs on the glass. "Cool," I thought at first, "a couple more snails won't hurt."
Well, six egg sacs turned into 12, twelve into 24, and now I can't even clean my glass I've got so many darn egg sacs everywhere!
Are these things going to overrun my tank when they hatch? Should I start scrapping them off the glass or just let nature take it's course?
I've also spied some odd objects on my glass. Little white dots. (please don't shout "copepods!" yet...)
The dots are about three millimeters in diameter. There are about six on the front glass. At first I figured them for (what else) baby trocus snails. They don't seem to be moving though. I'm not even sure if they are living objects or not.
They are almost perfectly round, and look a lot like a tiny little snail stuck to the glass. I haven't seen them from the other side, and I haven't gotten a magnifying glass on them yet.
I put sand detritivore kits in from two sites which (per the rules) will remain nameless. I have to say that I'm thrilled with the amount (and diversity) of life I've got in the tank. I wonder if these little white spots are egg sacs from some other critter...