Tropic Marin Pro Reef...

tx reef

Active Member
This salt tested fantastic for what I wanted....perfect calcium & slightly high alkalinity (which I wanted).
I used this salt for 2 water changes and had the worst hair algae outbreak I have ever seen or heard of.
I decided to try Reef Crystals and am currently mixing my first batch. I can't win when it comes to salt....first I use Red Sea and was constantly fighting calcium & alkalinity, then tried Oceanic. Oceanic tested at over 700 calcium!!!!!!!! Alkalinity was impossible to maintain. Tropic Marin Pro Reef tested great but was obviously not right for my system. I hope Reef Crystals salt is all it is said to be.
My experience leads me to believe that everyones system is different and while Oceanic may work for one persons may not work for anothers.
My suggestion is to take the time to find out what is right for your system and stick with it.


I would recomend IO salt. I have been using it on my tank and everything is great. The only thing is you have to add calcium to it because it is a little low on it. I would rather have to raise calcium than lower it. Good luck with the new salt and I hope it works out for you.


Active Member
i used instant ocean for six months then switched to tropic marin pro reef and have been amazed at the difference...maybe there is something other than the salt which is throwing things off??


don't hold your breath!!
The reef crystals is consistently low in CA,
at least is is in mine. (360)ppm
I hope you fare better.
Good luck...

tx reef

Active Member
All my levels are perfect (I am not going to list them all, I have been doing this long enough to know what they are supposed to be) and the day after I did my first water change with Tropic Marin Pro Reef the hair algae outbreak started.
Oh, and I don't keep my lights on too long and my bulbs are not old.

I am not looking for any solution to this (I am already taking steps to remedy this), I am wanting to point out what happened in MY system with a certain brand of salt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
All my levels are perfect (I am not going to list them all, I have been doing this long enough to know what they are supposed to be) and the day after I did my first water change with Tropic Marin Pro Reef the hair algae outbreak started.
Oh, and I don't keep my lights on too long and my bulbs are not old.

I am not looking for any solution to this (I am already taking steps to remedy this), I am wanting to point out what happened in MY system with a certain brand of salt.
well u obviosly know what your doing good job


Active Member
Strange. Ive never heard of changing salt brands and having an algae outbreak. I just switched to TM Pro from Red Sea about a month ago and i couldn't be happier. No problems here. I guess your system is very sensitive to changes. Good luck.


Active Member
I have been useing TM for a couple years now, and yes, everyones system is different, mine does not have hair algea...


...I switched to Tropic Marin Pro salt a couple months ago and am VERY pleased with its performance in my reef tank.

tx reef

Active Member
I mixed up my first batch of water with Reef Crystals last night and just tested it.....
Amm., Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 420 (raised to 480 with Reef Advantage Calcium)
Alkalinity - 3.5 (raised to 3.8 with Reef Builder)
Ph - 8.4
I like the levels in my mixed water to be slightly higher than what I keep my reef at. It cuts down on the amount of additives I have to use between water changes.