tropic marine vs. instant ocean


I know therre is a million threads on salt preferences, just like there is for reef lighting and I also know it is all based on opinion, but I was talking to a guy who uses tropic marine on his nano and he seems to think it is the best thing since sliced bread. since I am running (2) 30 gal's I was wondering if this salt might do the trick for me. I am reluctant to change since the io has been doing real well for me. but I have to ask :notsure:


I am currently using Tropic Marin salt in my 75 gal, and i have used Instant ocean salt in the past, the only difference i see is that Tropic Marin costs a lot more than IO. My LFS says the difference between the two is that TM holds trace elements better than IO, but I dont know if there is any truth behind that statement or if its just her opinion. :notsure:


I'm started to look at other salts this morning too the onlything it looks like is IO is basically salt so you will have to add some trace elements but Tropic Marin and Reef Crystals already has trace elements in it so you would need less additives.
But thats my take on it I'm stil a newbie to reefs, just finally getting mine setup beter, new MH and RO/DI and a bigger skimmer so hopefully I will have a nice flurishing tank soon


so do you think I should stay with the io? I currently add coral vite and dont really need to add any cal suppliment cause it stays around 450 with weekly water changes. The io at my lfs id WAY cheap and i can get it for like $30.00 a bucket. The reef crystals and the tropic marine are allot more expensive. I am a budget reefer when I can be and I dont see spending the money on the salt if there are no benefits added. I am happy with the progress of my tank and happy with the results that io has given me. I would like to hear a couple more opinions about it but I think I made up my mind even before I posted the thread. This just might cement the fact


If it aint broke....
I have read posts where people have changed, and all of a sudden they have problems wih diatom outbreaks, or the water chem is screwed up all of a sudden...
Stick with what ya got since you already know what you do/don't have to do to supplement the salt you're used to.


no doubt
as a matter of fact speaking of diatom outbrakes when i went from oceanic to io i found that the diatom that were out of control got them selves in check. I found that the oceanic salt make my cal out of control and dropped the alk way low. the io is keeping the system real balanced and that makes a low maint system, and I want it as low maint as possible.

well as low maint as a reef can be anyway!


I love my tropic marin salt, I actually bought the tropic marin pro version, the pro verison has more trace elements and calcium. TM mixes very easy and the trace elements don't percipate out. I used IO before and this happen to me. TM is more expensive then IO but you'll get more value with TM esp when using for your reef. Only the best for my reef!!!! :jumping: I spend way too much for my reef set up to be playing around with salts.


This is why salt is such a personal preference. Once you get to know your salt, doesnt matter what you use if it is working. That' sall that matters
PS-druluv...another bob marley fan huh? I just downloaded tons of mpeg's of concert avatar is from a screen shot of "stir it up" during filming in jamaica. It's that time of year..every spring and summer i go through my BM phase lol


Active Member
i'm in the process of changing from instant ocean to tropic marin. i have a red slime issue right now and i was told by my lfs to not use the instant ocean because they say it contains nitrates/phosphates (even though the box says it doesn't). so here's hoping they are right and that using this new salt will help clear up the red slime.


New Member
Just go real slow with the change, thier have been many folks that have experence alot of problems when going from one salt to another. Normally 5 to 10 percent is the safest bet.


Active Member
I switched from Instant Ocean to Tropic Marin a while ago. With the IO I was always having to add a buffer to keep the ph up. With TM, I don't have to add anything for PH or any of the trace elements. It costs more initially, but you save by not having to buy additives. TM also dissolves much quicker than IO.


Active Member
that's what i was told about TM.... PH will stay more balanced and has trace elements. always a good thing for the fishes sake.


Instant ocean does not contain phosphates or nitrates. I have tested it on numerous occasions for this reason, and never a trace of either. Just figured I'd throw that out there.


Active Member
i didn't think it did, but this lady at the fish store is convinced that it does. i'm willing to try anything right now to rid my tank of red slime.


Active Member
It doesn't matter what salt you use nothing is still better natural seawater. If they start deliverying saltwater like sparkling water then I would buy that instead of mixing. So whatever works just stick with it as long as nothing dies. As for Red slime it doesn't mean its a salt problem it usually means there some source of nurtient your algea is feeding off from other than the salt.


Just go slow switching your salts. Test your replacement water once it is done mixing up so you know what the parameters are of it, and so you know what may need to be supplemented.
Then, I would test the aquarium water a few hours after a water change, and keep testing more often than you do now so you can see where it is going.
Good luck!