tropical play sand?


I recently went to a reef shop and they are selling a product call tropical play sand. Does anyone have this or know anyone that has used this as their sand? If you could reply asap we are getting ready to set up our 55 gal and if its alright to use.


Everything you read on this site will tell you that sand is safe. It is aragonite based and a much cheaper alternative to the sand you normally buy at a LFS.
It is also sold under the name Southdown. Do a search for that if you are not confident. I even used another play sand that is silica based and have had good results so far.
Good luck


You're welcome. And if it is yardright/southdown, you are actually luckier than most. Even though many Home Depot's must carry it, I was unable to find it here in Central VA, or any of my travels which included LA and northern FL. Hopefully the store is marking it up too much.
Also, I have a 55 gal standard and I used 100 lbs of sand in it for a nice 5-6" DSB. Just to give you an idea. Most people use about 90 lbs from what I can tell, I just couldn't think of any reason to toss the other 10 away. :D But make sure you get some critters to keep it stirred up after you cycle.


the reef shop sells it for $9.99 and one of my friends said that she thought she seen it at a home depo for under 9.00
Thanks again


Amanda - Been there done that, does this guy still have about 6 pallets of the yardright stuff in the yard off of his driveway?
Exactly the sand that I used for my 90 gal.


I don't know why the moderators deleted that link to the yardright site. They don't sell direct anyway. But there is a site on the internet that I have found that does sell direct. I haven't bought from them, but I am sure if anyone does a search for "pure arogonite" sand for fish tanks they will find it.
Can't recommend it however as I didn't use it.


the website for the guy in portage mi is
*** Hello me again Thomas712, Your link includes a site that sells Corals, fish, and liverock, he also has many other supplies that are also carried on this site, I know because I have been there. Talked to the guy several times over the phone and e mail. Nice guy, but it is competition. Not trying to be a prude here, but I do have to do my job, I hope you understand . It is known as a basement buisness, and is competition.***


No problem Amanda, basically no posting of any other sites that sell what is sold here, no other reference to other forums like this. No trashing another forum or member. No swear words. common sense stuff. Frags can be traded not sold on this site, what you do off site is your buisness. It gets deeper than that but those are some basics.


I found the deal of the day for sure. I just put sand in my tank. Altogether 350 lbs of it for a nice 5-6" bed and was at first going to home depot whe a friend told me a bout a local builder who had the same stuff for much less. It was in the bulk form instead of like 50LB bags and I had to use my own container but I got it for so cheap I had to ask him twice if the price was right. I paid 1 cent a pound. so for the whole 350 lbs I paid $3.50.
Come to find out most build/lumber stores carry this for all sorts of purposes and it is the exact same stuff as home depot.
Just thought I would share that so people could maybe check local places first.


Active Member
WOW. You found some cheap sand! I do feel that $5 for 50 pounds is still good though, concidering the fact that pet stores will try to gouge you for at least $10 for only 15-25 pounds of sand. And they will even try to tell you that the sand at Home Depot is wrong for fish tanks and should never be used just so they can get your money!
Then again, where I live, there's a store is Concord who cares nothing about the animals they sell as long as they make a sale...:mad: :mad: :mad: Poor fish...poor birds...poor cats...poor dogs...:mad: :mad: :mad:


One thing I would worry about buying it that way is contamination. At lease when you are buying it in bags, you can usually read the label and see where it has been sterilized and free of any contamination. You don't know what else that builder had in his loader before you got your sand from him.
Not to mention, you don't know if it was silica based or arogonite based. I think you'll end up fine, but just keep that in mind if you have any problems.
Good luck.