Trouble in paradise!!


My tank has been doing great for along time. Now all of a sudden my rocks are growing green hair algae. My sally lightfoot is not doing anything about it. I was thinking of getting a bi-color blenny. Would he help with the algae? Right for corals i have a mushroom rock, yellow polyps and to colonies of button polyps, would he be compatible with the corals? Is there another fish that i can put in a 26 gallon that would do a better job?


I don't have answers for you, but I can tell you what worked with me a year ago...same problem. I was (and still am) new to the saltwater tanks, so I purchased a lot of books, read them and found out one thing they all had in common about eek algae! I placed small hermits crabs in the tank, did a 25% water change twice a month and purchased a good skimmer - bigger than what I needed!! I placed a Seaclone skimmer for up to 100 gal on a 55 gal tank and within 2 to 3 months, all of the algae was gone and it still hasn't come back!! Later I moved a few of the crabs out into another tank, resumed reg. monthly schedule on changing water, but keep the skimmer in place.


bicolor blenny's arent much of an algea eater,if you want a fish that eats algea, go with the lawnmower blenny, also what sdascher said, little algea hermit crabs really do help, i have 10 in a 10 gallon and they're munchin down on some hair algea, and hopefuly it'll be gone soon...
the bicolor blenny should be fine with your corals...


Not many things actually eat hair algea. Hermit crabs will help, but you will a lot to keep up with the fast spreading hair algea. You need to find the cause of the bloom. In my case it was a low alk level. I slowly raised the alk and did weekly water changes. As a last resort, I scrubbed the stuff off the rocks with a small brush. I also added a sponge filter to 1 of my power heads to catch it before it went in my protein skimmer. It took about 3 months but it is finely gone. It is feeding on something. Find out what that is and you should be able to get rid of it.