Trouble Raising Calcium


New Member
I'm currently adding ESV B-Ionic, a two part formula to raise Alkalinity and Calcium. I've been adding 10cc daily (per the dosing instructions on the bottle) of each additive. My Alkalinity started at 7 dKH and is now at 9-10dKH. My Calcium is still hovering around the 320ppm mark. My other water parameters are as follows:
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 8.0-8.3 depending on time of day I check it.
Ammonia 0
Phospahtes 0
Any ideas what would be keeping my calcium from rising higher?
Inhabitants include:
38 gal aquarium
1 Peppermint shrimp
1 sm Regal Tang
2 sm Montipora
1 sm Green Star Polyp
1 Green Florida Ricordia
1 Brittle star
1 lg feather duster
1 Neon Goby
1 Super Tongan Nassarius snail
2 lg Turbo Snails
2 Astrea snails
4 blue legged hermit crabs
1 scarlet hermit crab


New Member
Yes I have soft corals and two small Montipora frags. The coralline is doing great....on the glass some, but mostly on the dead base rock and anything plastic in the tank, etc.


Active Member
no prob not sure if it will be ur answer but its worth a try magnesium should be around 1300-1500ppm
and also i would suggest using good test kits like salifer if u rnt already


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
no prob not sure if it will be ur answer but its worth a try magnesium should be around 1300-1500ppm
and also i would suggest using good test kits like salifer if u rnt already
Dito that, if Mg is okay just add a Ca supplement to get it balanced..
Here is the table from the Reef Aquarium Vol. III from Delbeek and Sprung of various balanced situations in modified seawater. Balance is the key
1.4 dKH 350Ca
2.1 dKH 375Ca
5.6 dKH 400Ca
9.1 dKH 425Ca
12.6 dKH 450Ca
16.1 dKH 475Ca
efish :happyfish nsea