this forum is great. im a newbie in love with this new found hobbie. wife is awlays complaining im reading your forums till the wee hours of the morning. but she loves when i bring new interesting fish. a couple questions i havent found in your forums yet. ive tried 3 times with flordia pink tip anemone. get them home and acclimate. a few hours then there big and beautiful. few days i give pieces of krill then they shrink. this is normal ive heard. now the problem is they never fill up again. sometimes they fill half way up and they still move around but look sick. and after a week or 9 days- dead. three different occasions. my tanks a 125 plexie canister filter 3 power heads 80 lbs live rock 100lbs live sand 5 months and all conditions are perfect. old 3 stars, 2 perc clowns 5 damsels1 tang(dont know what kind)feather dusters x4 lots of hermets and my favriote is lawn mower and pixie hawkfish. any help understanding the care of anemones would be appreciated as im very intrigued on them noe. its my new goal in life. thanks again solow11