Trouble with Mushrooms! =O


New Member
So i had a rock with a colony of red mushrooms on it. The mushrooms shrank to tiny sizes and have just recently begun to grow back. They are still pretty small but I've noticed that they have gone from red to a translucent almost clear color. What does that mean? Can I save them? Any help would be great! Thanks guys!


Active Member
Sounds like they have bleached.
"...Coral polyps are animals very dependent on a plant called zooxanthellae to provide food and oxygen through photosynthesis.....coral polyps to begin expelling its zooanthellae population, thus weakening the coral's capacity to survive. With the loss of zooanthellae, there is a lack of chlorophyll pigment leading the coral to lose its color and appear "bleached.""
Could be the coral is adjusting to a different lighting in your tank compared to where it was. The fact that they are expanding is a good sign and maybe with some time, good water conditions, they will color back up. If they do they may even be a different color.


i had 1 mushroom in a rock for more then a year, lots had happened since i got it, over heat, eletro shock, and total loss. Greens and reds survive.
That same rock was drilled , chisheld, and hammered . Now there are 6-7 good sized mushrooms, plus a dozen clear tiny small heads coming out the sides.
Do not move it, let it stay put after some time you will see growth. good luck.