

hey well i have had this frag of green star polyp now for like a month or so, its starting to grow BUT its not opening up as much as befor.also when it does open my fish and shrip touch it like when they pass by it, and it gets scared and goes back in. this is allllllllllllllll day so when it does start coming out the touch it. anyways, will this stress it out and kill it?


GSP are pretty hardy. Make sure it is in a position that has lots of flow and moderate lighting. My shrimp and stuff stay in the rockwork alot during the day giving my stuff a chance to stay open. You could try moving it to see if it is happier somewhere else.


That stuff is almost impossible to kill. I'm trying to get it to grow on my back glass but it grows to slow. So I got pulsing xenia growing on the glass now. Cool wave action for a backdrop