Trubo Snails?


My tank has been up for 8 weeks......I have a damsel, 45 lbs of lr, and 2 clowns which have been in the tank for 5 days now and ok......I was going to get 10 turbo snails for $20.00. Is that a good deal and should I get them at this stage? I have tons of algea in my tank at the moment.


Active Member
If the tank has completed its cycle than you can add them. The price is not bad at all. My LFS sells them for 3.49 each with no quantity discount. They do get large though and will knock over pieces of rock and/or corals.


nice a fan of Michael Jordan??? The cycle seems to be complete and the fish that I added seem well.


hmmm they seem very small at the store maybe I shouldnt get that many.....I believe his crabs, I think redleg were 3.50 each? Will the turbos really get that big? How Big? and do they just grow with their shells or do I need spare shells?


Active Member
Snail shells grow with the snails and they do not change shells. Turbo snail get between 1 1/2" - 2". You would only need spare shells if you were keeping hermits.