True or False Percula Clownfish


New Member

I am new to the forum. I have been looking for a pair of Percula Clownfish
And a Host Anemone Don’t know which Anemone to get.
Is the False Percula Clownfish a good Clownfish for a reef Mine is a 34gal
Thanks for any help


hey tom,
it really doesn't matter but the true percula take a long time to change from a light orange to a dark orange but the false don't.


i havent owned a percula, but i've had an Ocellaris for 2 years and a pair of B&Ws for a few months.
i prefer the distint coloring of the Ocellaris over the percula's shading of colors


Active Member
I like ocellaris...they seem more pristine in my eyes. Are you getting a mated pair or two juveniles? Unless you want to breed, get two juveniles. Anyway, don't get an anemone for a long least 6 months. They are hard to keep and require excellent tank parameters and a lot of research.


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
I like ocellaris...they seem more pristine in my eyes. Are you getting a mated pair or two juveniles? Unless you want to breed, get two juveniles. Anyway, don't get an anemone for a long least 6 months. They are hard to keep and require excellent tank parameters and a lot of research.
I have to disagree..Yes, wait 6+ months if your tank is new, but anemone are the easiest to keep I have 4 different species, if you want one that can be hosted try LTA or BTA my clown hosted 3 days after I got mine.