True or False??


Do true perculas or false perculas host better in anenomes?? Does it matter? What is the best type of clown for hosting anenomes?


Active Member
the best type of clowns IMO is the true perc, they seem to go for most hosting anemones you throw at them


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
the best type of clowns IMO is the true perc, they seem to go for most hosting anemones you throw at them
IMO watch them at ur lfs and see if they host any anemone. Sometimes they won't host any!!! Sometimes you will get lucky buy anenome and have a couple percs and they will host them, but IMO i wouldn't chance it!! I would see what kind of clowns are hosting which anenomes!! Right now at lfs theres 2 Sebae clowns hosting a ritteri and yellow bottom anenome!!! I had a tru perc mated pair that hosted a carpet!!!


For this question IMO it doesn't really matter, the question is more like how they were raised. Was there an anemone nearby for them to even have been familiar with them, the scent so to speak. How many generations were they bread without anemones. That kind of thing. There is still instinct involved though and your chances are about as good as anyone else's. I have Ocellaris clown fish or False perc if you prefer. They had no problem taking to my BTA.
The other question is also kinda backwards, its not the best clown for hosting anemones its the best anemone for what type of clown fish.
IMO the Bubble tip is one of the hardiest and seems to host with the most species of clown fish. I've been raising the BTA's for 5.5 years now.


Oh wow I guess I had it all wrong. At my LFS, they always have tomatoes in with the anemones. The true and false percs are always on the other side in their own tanks. I had a pair of false percs and an anemone but they never hosted it. I had a LTA. I know you can only have one type of clown in a tank and I wanted the kind that would host an anemone. I prefer perculas but its so tempting to get a tomato, the way the host the anemones at the LFS...