True Perc vs. False Perc


New Member
Noobie question:
What is the difference (size, behavior etc.) between the True Percula Clownfish and the False Percula Clownfish? I know the "true" one costs more lol.
Oh and what about the black and white ones? Color the only difference?


Active Member
Black and white clowns are just percula's breed to emphasize the black and white color as opposed to the orange, so the behavior is the same.
I've only had the ocellaris, but in case you're wondering I love them. They have awesome coloring and great personalities.


Active Member
no such thing as a false perc, theyre occelaris clowns. i prefer them over perculas just because i think they tend to be prettier.


false percs. (thats what i call them) will tend to have more a adventours personality(through personal experience) and true percs usually stay at the front of the tank.
true percs seem more aggresive when feeding
true percs in my opinoun have more 'body' they seem thicker that the false perc
in my experience true percs are much hardier, but both of them are pleny hardy already.
true percs usually run twice as much in Ga than the false percs.


Well-Known Member
false percs are less likely to take to an anemone, while true percs will most likely. Maroon clowns will almost definately take to anemone's.
Black and white clowns are extremely agressive and you can not keep more then two in a small aquarium.


Active Member
My understanding is that the Black and White ones are Amphiprion ocellaris species and generally recomended " not " to keep more than 2 of any species or mix species in any numbers together in the same tank unless its a really large tank.