True Percula Black Onyx Pair


New Member
Does anyone know a reputable source that I could get a mated pair of True Percula Black Onyx Clowns. Being rare and pricey, I hesitate to just purchase on the net and I can't find them at my LFS, so it looks like I am back to the net. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.


Active Member
Online sources aren't allowed to be named on this forum because of competition with our host. Sorry.


New Member
ok, thanks, do you know if offers these fish, I sent an email but never heard anything. Thanks


Active Member
Email me at and I can give you a few sources. I don't think the breeder I got mine from is in business any more, but I will look. I do know of another place that occasionally has them.


Active Member
There is a website out there that has them in pairs right now.. around 80 dollars for the pair. Do some searches and im sure you'll find it in no time. :yes:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
There is a website out there that has them in pairs right now.. around 80 dollars for the pair. Do some searches and im sure you'll find it in no time. :yes:
could you email me the link.... .....thank you