True Percula Clownfish


New Member
Help please I got these fish recently from SWF. One fish the (bad looking) one has already died. I tried to save him but he didn't make it. They both were shipped like this.

Tank parameters are stable and in normal levels. They were the only fish left in the tank. Both are eating great! I feed them omega one brine shrimp spirulina enriched.

This one has a dark(brown) spot on his white area and it looks like its spreading. Thoughts?

Pictures of fish that didn't make it. :(


Staff member
The last fish is aggression. Were they shipped together? Are they a mated pair, and when did you receive the shipment? How many fish did you order. You're wording is a bit confusing since you say one has died but they are both eating great? Please provide more details.

Do you have a quarantine tank?


New Member
The last fish (the one that died), came pale in color, eyes cloudy and with the nip already out of his tail and side fin. It got worse, they turned red, skin got milky and he eventually died. His last days he spent nose down on a rock swimming into it like he was going crazy. SWF support staff said they would take care of it, but it was sad to watch.

The fish were shipped separately. Shipment was last month.

Sorry for the confusion, they "were" both eating great is what I meant. I posted the same on RC last month to see if anyone could help there as well. That's when he was still alive.

The one that is left, is in a hospital tank now and is still eating great but the patch has gotten larger.

I have tried treating him with ICH-x but am now going to try treating with triple sulfa (I think it might be bacterial). The ICH-x hasn't helped from what I have noticed.

Thoughts on what the black/brown patches are?


Staff member
Is the QT well cycled? The patch in the pic looks reddish, is it? Can you get a clearer picture of that? Is it raw looking or just discoloration? Was the fish exposed to an anemone? Did it come with that patch already from SWF?


New Member
QT was perfect and new with cycled water.

The patch on the remaining fish is brownish / grey but it is definitely discoloration.

Yes, this fish also came from SWF like this.

I will try to get a newer picture but they are tough fish to photograph.

Thoughts on it being bacterial?


Staff member
Not parasite for certain, so don't treat for that. Bacterial is normally red, not brown. What about the clownfish being near anemones?

How is the water quality in that QT? What are you feeding this fish?


New Member
I feed omega one brine shrimp spirulina enriched and mysis.

No anemones in the hospital tank.

Water quality is perfect as I have been doing water changes since treating him.


Well-Known Member
Is the area red or brown? The pictures look more redish color to me but it could be the lighting. If you could get pics under just white light that would give the most accurate color representation .

Clowns are one of the worst for pics. Too darn wiggly.


Staff member
Brine shrimp is not particularly nutritious. You can offer occasionally, but try upgrading food choices to quality food, frozen or home made. Also, try using zoecon or selcon supplements.


Staff member
The clown is in a QT so you could try antibiotics in the event that the fish is developing a bacterial infection. Try Maracyn Two. Be sure to turn off tank lights except for feeding. You can leave room lights on.


New Member
Thanks Beth. Yeah I am trying to treat him/her for bacterial now. Hopefully it works. Still waiting to hear back from SWF support (Mary) as well. Are you on site there?


Staff member
The moderators here only moderate the forums. What antibiotic are you using?


New Member
Ok thanks Beth. Well I took the pictures into my LFS and they recommended trying Triple Sulfa. I am currently in the process of monitoring. Thoughts?


Staff member
Did you begin the antibiotics? Try using Maracyn Two, double dose. Do a small change of water just before each redose.

What is the pH in your tank?


New Member
Yeah I have a post going on over at ReefCentral as well. I believe someone recommended that too. I am finishing the dosing that I have been doing if that doesn't clear it up I am doing a water change. Then trying either Maracyn Two, Thomas Lab's FishMox (Amoxicillin) and FishFlox (Ciprofloxacin).

pH is 8.2/8.3


New Member
I am trying Triple Sulfa right now but still awaiting to see any improvements. Ordering one or two of the ones I listed tonight with 2 day shipping.