TRULY a NooB ?


New Member
Will a pair of Wild Perculas host in a Ricordea Mushroom? What about a Florida Condi, or a White Sebae? Or do the Clowns only really like the Carpet Anemones? Jut wonderin' Thanks
-Dave S.


The Condi isn't a normal host for clownfish at all, but it can happen.
As to wild perc's in the home aquarium, anything can happen when you put an anemone in the tank, you just have to trust to luck. However tank raised clowns are much better to work with and I believe you would stand a better chance of them taking to an anemone.
Clowns have been known to use several other corals to frolic in so it is possible to see them in a leather, xenia, hairy mushroom, star polyps even your aquarium magnet.
None specific but I hope that helps.


New Member
That does help out, thankyou. I do have one other question though. Do Gold Stripe Maroons count as tank raised, or are you only speaking of the False Percula? I like the look of the Gold Stripe Maroon very much, and my First Priority is the livelihood and happiness of my livestock. I just want them to be able to exist as naturally as possible, in an unnatural simulation of a reef. :rolleyes:
Once again. Thanks for the help,
-Dave S.


Ah the Gold Stripe Maroon, I had a 5 1/2 inch one once in my 55 gallon, he used to pick up rocks and spit them all day long.
Tank raised is just that raised in captivity, any fish that is tank raised tends to be more tolerant of humans, and a bit less skiddish.
If you get one don't add any other clownfish to the tank later on while its still alive or it is likely to kill any newcomer. If you want two then get a couple of juvinile ones and add them together.
If you want an anemone with them then I sugges the Bubble Tip anemone, however you would need a rather large one as the GSM can get rather large.