Trumpet coral help



I just upgraded my lighting from 260w pc to 432w nova extreme t5. I have been light acclimating my tank. I started with 4 hours of light a day and have been adding an hour of light every two to three days. I am up to 7 hours a day right now, and all my corals seem to be doing fine except for my trumpet coral. They still expand when the lights come on, but then after 5-6 hours they deflate. They are not turning white or losing flesh, I guess I am just curious if this could be a sign that they are getting too much light?


Are you able to move the trumpet coral down some in your tank and slowly raise it up (closer to the light) over time? I had to do this with my trumpet coral and now it seems to be doing great.


I will try that. Like I said in the first post, I am in the process of light acclimating the whole tank to the new T5s. This is the only coral that is acting any differently than normal, so I figured that maybe he was having a harder time acclimating than the others and wanted some other advise. Thanks for the input. Any other thoughts?


From what I understand, Bustedadam's advice is the right course of action. That should help acclimate the coral to the new lighting conditions. This was how we were told to acclimate new corals as well, by starting lower and moving them closer to the light as they adjust.