Truth about Leathers


Active Member
OK I have heard and read in many books that having leather corals in a tank with hard corals will have a bad effect on the hard corals is this true? Will they kill them?


Active Member
From what I have read the only time that a leather can be harmful to a LPS coral is when it sheds. When it does, point a powerhead on it to blast the shedding skin off and get it out of the tank.
- Josh -


The bottom line with leathers:
I have gone through trial after trial with them, and while I could keep some of the harder corals alive, I could never keep a dang leather.
Since then I got to know a few people who really know their stuff and I found out that the above is true but it also applies to leathers themselves.
Leathers shed a skin, and the skin can kill other corals as WELL as themselves. They need good current on them to wash it off. At least thats what Im told and I have managed to keep the two leathers I dared try since then in my 100 which does have much more current in it.


Active Member
They are pretty toxic, but I have two for some time know with no problems. My toadstool is more of a problem with shedding than my crown.