Try Feeder Goldfish


I have had good success with a main diet of feeder goldfish. I feed everyother day. I have to hand feed 2 anemones because the pair of clowns with them will not. My pair of Black Saddlebacks take care of everything when I drop the goldfish in the tank. I also feed frozen krill, My Maroons will feed these to their BTA. I have had luck with this for 5-6 years now.


I had heard the same. But I tried it and my anemones seem to stay in good health. Years ago, everyone thought you had to keep tour system spotless almost a sterile enviroment. We have learned to adapt to whatever it takes to keep our specimens healthy. As an old friend of mine said years ago we are trying to keep our tanks cleaner than the ocean, maybe that is the problem. If I ever have any negative effects that I can relate to feeding goldfish I will pass it on.


Yes, I hand feed live feeder goldfish to two, a RBTA,hosting a pair of Yellow Stripe Maroons, a Long Tentacle hosting a pair of Ocellaris. My Pair of Black Saddlebacks feed the goldfish to a Carpet anemone.


Do you have any pics of your black saddle backs? I've purchased 2 of those fish and never had any luck with them. They would get ick or cloudy eyes after a couple of days of having them. Crazy thing is all my other fish would be fine.
Also, in what size tank do you keep them in and with what?
If I ever set up another tank it would definetly be with black saddlebacks. Then again a pair of true perculas (preferably black onyx) would be awesome also.
Currently I have a pair of black and white percs that host in a rbta.


I just got an Anemone and need to start feeding it. Where do you get the frozen food to feed them? Any supermarket? What kind of frozen fish do you get for them? I need some suggestions, so thanks in advance.


Active Member

Originally posted by MarksMagic
why on earth would u feed live fish to an anemone?
1) thats cruel to put a fish on a pile of stinging cells
2) its not healthy
3) its cheaper to buy frozen or freeze dried foods

it's like 10cents around here for one feeder.. soo i don't think it's really that expensive.. not that i buy them for feeding


Active Member
The philosophy on NOT feeding feeder fish has nothing to do with tank cleanliness.
Many of the experts suggest only feeding your animals food they would find naturally occuring in the ocean. Since goldfish don't live in the ocean I'd suggest going with some of the frozen stuff.... or even some fresh raw shrimp - your anemone won't know the difference and it is getting food that is naturally occuring in the ocean
Howie - I've used fresh raw shrimp to feed corals and fish - plus I use cyclopeeze to feed the fish and everythign in the tank loves that stuff! Ask @ your LFS what kinds of frozen food they have - also some of the bigger pet stores will have a freezer with frozen food in it


I feed my bta silversides. It seems to like them. I have also fed it shrimp (frozen or fresh). I have never fed goldfish, but I guess I see the point that they don't occur in nature, so why introduce them to our tanks.


I decided to try feeder goldfish after talking with a friend who has been in salts since the 60's, suggested I try them. He had tried a lot of things before there time and they worked, some of the things he tried back then are the standard now. One conclusion I have drawn is that a fish is a fish whether fresh or salt. Each spiecies will not survive in the others environment for any period of time. This goes for parasites for both enviroments. Also I have found that I seem to rather enjoy a fresh steak or burger instead of a frozen soy burger. I am just suggesting that this is something that I have tried and it seems to be working for me. I will try and post a picture of my Black saddlebacks this weekend. I have not tried that yet so it should be interesting.


Active Member

Originally posted by WyoXbow
One conclusion I have drawn is that a fish is a fish whether fresh or salt.

I would disagree as a fish picks up charateristics and chemicals that are unique to the water it lives in. A goldfish is a cold water fish that is hardy in a variety of water types - meaning the osmotic (sp?) properties of the fish allow it to absorb and process a whole range of chemicals that other fish could not. Thus when you take a fish like that and introduce it into an environment it does not occur in it transfers its chemicals - alibet (sp?) minute traces - to the new environment.
Also - you have Mollies who are able to adapt to SW from FW and back and forth
You have grummans (sp?) that flop up to shore to lay eggs - meaning they have a very high tolerance for oxygen deprivation ....
then those snake headed fish from asian that are ruining ponds here in the US
in basic structure a fish is a fish is a fish but in overall make-up and checmical compoistion they are not.
I have yet to hear of any of the established experts stating that you should feed feeder goldfish to fish but I've heard/read a bunch saying not to!
Your tank - your choice = especially if it is working for you.