Trying Out New Camera And Posting Pics


Just got my new camera today and trying it out. I am by far no carera expert and I am having trouble with the closeups and macro thingie but I will read and learn more I guess.


my about 6 week old 75 with 55 pounds of carib sea look alive and 12 pound of Fl LR. (I have another 60 of LR I got today from FedX curing in the garage to add in a couple of weeks I hope.)


If anyone has any Camera do and don't that might help me please feel free to throw them my way.
I hope I did ok with what I got because I am no expert but I wanted something pretty good and I am hopeing it will do all the closeups and stuff like I see on here.
Its not the biggest out there but it was within our budget and you can get extra lens for it.
The camera is a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W1 5.1Megapixel
There is a 1.7X and a 2.6X Telephoto lens for it <whatever all this means.
Theres also a 0.7X wide angle lens also and the filters