Trying to come up with a way to make a spraybar/closed loop thing?


So I have some pretty bad flow problems in my opinion. The flow on the sand isn't adequate. I am wanting to change my sump pump to a spray bar/ sand cleaner thing. So with pvc, is it a good idea to make a spray bar that is really close the the sand and runs across all of it? How should I do this? It is just a 30 gallon tank. How could I cover it up? Should I just put it at the top? Help!!!


Active Member
Flow is one of the most frustrating and challenging obstacles in a salt tank. The trick is to not put so much flow on the sand bed that it will blow sand every were, two possibilities are a spray bar with a small ball valve in the line to adjust the pressure, or just point the spraybar downward from the top of the tank.


Yeah, that's my problem exactly. I built the thing, I just lost a part. So it is to Lowes I go. I'll post of pic of what I have later. And the nasty dead spots in my sand bed.