I added 2 Perculas a month ago...One was 2 inches head to tail and the other was an inch. The smaller one did all the twitching and I believe turned into a male. The 2 fish hung out together all day long. While they were courting eachother the larger fish always showed agrression towards the smaller fish and then it went away when I believe the relationship finally was established.
Well I came home today and the smaller guy commited suicide. On floor dead...
ANyways, we went to store and bought another cclown about the same size and introduced it to the tank tonight. I acclimated and dimmed lights to actinics.
The smaller just introdued fish is showing aggression towards the larger Percula. I mean like major aggression. I figured it would be the other way around?
What do you think? I figure they're both females at this point, but if the larger fish isn't showing dominance, do you think they don't have a chance of pairing up?
Any possibility of the lareger non-aggressive fish becoming the male? This is pretty fascinating to watch...I thought the larger Percula was going to torment this little fish...Definitely not happening 2 hours in. Mayb ethis is good for the little guy's survival during acclimation process anyways...
Well I came home today and the smaller guy commited suicide. On floor dead...
ANyways, we went to store and bought another cclown about the same size and introduced it to the tank tonight. I acclimated and dimmed lights to actinics.
The smaller just introdued fish is showing aggression towards the larger Percula. I mean like major aggression. I figured it would be the other way around?
What do you think? I figure they're both females at this point, but if the larger fish isn't showing dominance, do you think they don't have a chance of pairing up?
Any possibility of the lareger non-aggressive fish becoming the male? This is pretty fascinating to watch...I thought the larger Percula was going to torment this little fish...Definitely not happening 2 hours in. Mayb ethis is good for the little guy's survival during acclimation process anyways...