trying to cure fish, then it dies


ok, this is the second time i use this quick cure medicine. And in both cases i put less than the amount recommended just in case not to overdose, and my clown fish just die.
it seemed he didnt get air in the tank. it was a 10 gal tank with a air pum a filter and nothing on it, just the medecine for 10 gal you put 10 drops, well i put 8 drops, and it seemd he run out of air, he was jumping out of the water and making fast movements.
what do i do to cure them from ick if the medicine that i use kill my fish.


Staff member
Please provide more details. I'm assuming you are trying to cure an ich problem? The best treatment is hyposalinity. Take a look at the FAQ at the top of this forum and read the posts on ich and hyposalinity.


Dont listen to any LFS employee. Or owner for that matter. LISTEN TO BETH. Read everything's she's posted on ICH in the FAQ forum. Do that and you'll know exactly what to do.