Trying to get air through my MJ 1200 PH


I was hopeing that my mj 1200 could push air through my pvc pipes that are located at the surface of my tank. I have them on a power stip / wave maker device. I was hopeing to get the effect when a wave comes through and it creates a white wave like bubbles. BUT the air intake tube is getting water pushed through from the PH and I want it to do the oposite.and push air to the PH. Is this possible?


Active Member
Your trying to create bubbles in the tank??? If the air line is above the water level it should suck air into the hose and create the bubbles, but you don't want any type of bubbles in the main tank will disturb your corals


Right now I only have a few anemones and shrooms. Not plaining on haveing any hard corals yet cause I'm haveing trouble keeping those alive. I have 1 now for about a year I think it is called Montipora. It looks like the picture but in a red color. I was just trying to create a motion like the waves and their effects. I was only wanting to do 1 side or maybe both depending on how it works and sounds. When I conect the tube to the PH and raise the tube above water level it still shoots the water through the tube. And yes I am a man and I did read the instructions LOL, after my wife yelled at me and then she did also, but still no luck.


Active Member
I got a freebie skimmer without a pump. When I tried to use a powerhead (maxi jet 1200), the venturi didn't work right. There was water coming out of it. When I removed it from the skimmer, the venturi sucked air and blew it out the power head mixed with the water like it is supposed to do.
I think it has to do with the type of pump it is. THe back pressure cancels the venturi.
Try it for your self.
I'm with Acrylic. Bubbles are not desireable in SW. I've read that too many micro bubbles can kill an anemone. If you must, remember any time water falls a short distance, it makes bubbles. You could raise the pvc a little above the surface to make bubbles. ?