Trying to start a tank...can anyone help me with something?!?!

x0x becca

New Member
I just got a 55 gallon tank from someone and I am wanting to turn it into a salt water aquarium... I have been researching and stuff and I found a picture of how I want my aquarium to resemble. Does anyone know what any of these reefs are?


Active Member
Did you mean what kind of corals those are? None of those in the pic you posted are real. You can get some real life like fake corals now, but they are pretty pricey, might as well go with the real thing IMO. But in your case, you need to know more about the hobby. Please get a copy of Robert Fenners Conciencious aquarist before you even begin to set this tank up! It will save you alot of heartache and money if you are really serious about getting into a reef tank. Or if that is more trouble and work then you are willing to do, buy the fake ones and afew hearty fish (you still have to know about cycling and test kits, equiptment, salinity etc etc before you go the easiest route. I am glad you came here and asked questions, keep doing that, thats what we are here for, good luck!


Active Member
I think you know those corals are fake but are wanting some real ones that look like those. Am I right?
If so, the pic seems to show alot of acros and montipora I think.


the pic seems to show alot of acros and montipora I think.
If you are new to this hobby, be aware that the SPS corals are NOT for beginners. Very challenging and demand the utmost water quality.
But there is nothing wrong with aspiring to one day have these. Do your research and start slow. No reason that with time, patience and lots of experience you could keep these successfully. Start small, dream big!