Tubastrea Sun

iggy koopa

New Member
Anyone had any experience with a tubastrea sun coral? Any pointers you can give on one? Any input would be appreciated.
Iggy Koopa


Active Member
They are a high maintnance coral. They require feeding of each polyp and also carefull placment in the tank. Rember when you have to feed your tank daily you have to keep an eye on your water conditions in your tank. Oh yeah, they do not mind being hung upside down in a cave. They are cool corals but due to their demanding needs they are more for the experienced hobbyists. But hey, they are worth a try.. :p

the claw

Active Member
They need lots of current, and you have to feed them. If you can meet their requirement they will reward you with beauty and they will reproduce.


Active Member
I see these all the time diving in the gulf of mexico. I plan to get one next summer (hand picked). They are always in dark places and they do not require any sunlight.