Tube anemone question!



No they do not. Also want to point out that they will happily eat fish including clown fish, and that they are not true anemones.
The only known reports I found about them reproducing was this.
Has been observed in aquaria (Wilkens 1990). Two individuals left their tubes; swollen and with tentacles intertwined, floating at the surface. Some weeks late a large quantity of small pinkish-orange eggs were observed floating at the surface. None of the larvae lasted through a developmental (Planula) stage; presumably from lack of food.
And from Rob Toonen in 2004:
Lastly I want to briefly discuss reproduction within this group, but any such discussion is hampered by the fact that there has been precious little research done on this subject. The species that have been studied are protandric hermaphrodites, meaning that small or young individuals are males, and the animal switches to being a female at some point in their lives (possibly triggered by some size or age threshold). Sexual reproduction apparently occurs by the release of gametes into the water column. There are several reports of a tiny tube anemone being found within the body cavity of an adult, but it is unclear whether this is evidence for internal brooding or an aberrant developmental pathway. Likewise, there is some evidence that these animals are capable of reproducing asexually, but to date there is no evidence that this has occurred in an aquarium. Regardless of the exact method of reproduction, the chances that your tube anemone will reproduce in captivity are very slim, indeed.


Active Member
I had a tube anemone with my clowns. My poor clowns were so scared of it and would swim around it in anyway they could so they did not get stung. Their long tentacles at night would sway in the movement of the water and extend quite a ways out. I did not keep it long as it really stressed my clowns out. Some are very pretty in color but.
My opinion, if you don't have one I would not get one....

Deb :happyfish :happyfish