tube anemone


after getting a dead lavender from, i thought maybe they just didnt ship well, so i got an orange one from my lfs
i heard that they are filter feeders, but mine has been acting kinda weird today and now that the lights are off, i turned a flash light on it, and it did something kinda creepy, spooked me to be honest. it turned towards me/the light almost instantly, spread out all of its tentacles and unwrapped the ones in the center, opening its mouth at me pretty wide, enough to fit a dime in there
i kinda figure its hungry, but ive heard mixed information on what it eats, it doesnt need strong light and lives deep, so it doesnt rely on lights at all practically, i read they eat plankton(filter feed) but ive also heard they eat anything from mysis shrimp and other small stuff to silversides and krill and chopped uncooked shrimp
i tried feeding it some live blood worms and it grabs them, stings them till they turn white and the worms blister and bleed then just drops them, doesnt pull them in to eat or anything. It did the same thing when i tried to feed it brine shrimp, grabs them, holds them for a few seconds then uncurls its tentacles and drops them, tried uncooked shrimp, fairly small, put it right into its mouth and it kinda just leaned to the side and it just slid out and fell to the bottom of the tank.
what should i do? it stays open 24-7 and wont eat day or night, what should i try? i need advice asap since it definitely is trying to tell me something!
I had a couple and they pretty much ate everything. I had a purple one that i bought and it became huge and i had to take it back. they grow really fast and like i said they will eat anything.


nothing has gone missing, no fish in the tank, just an eel, no corals so its not getting any food its filtering that im adding


Well-Known Member
I have a pink Tube anemone, I feed it a chunk of shrimp once every two weeks. If it isn't hungry it just spits it out after stinging it for a while.
Mine didn't eat for two weeks after I got it. I have had it over a year now.
There is no need to worry. Just wait a week and try again. I hope you covered your power heads. Mine tried to commit sushi 3X before it settled down to a happy spot.
So it creeped you out, that made my day... mine creeped my sister out doing the same thing.


lol well theres this creepy movie called The Ruins that came out in 2008, its about this killer plant thing thats like vines, it moves and thinks and if it gets in a cut of yours, it will release spores and grow in you like parasites which is my only real fear, and it just reminded me of that movie and it was just like the plant lunging at them trying to eat them lol
make fun if you want, but it gave me the "heeby jeebys" :p
i wasnt super worried, just didnt know if something was wrong since it would grab stuff like it was hungry, open its mouth like it was hungry, but somehow couldnt get food to its mouth or something


so why does it open its mouth and move its tentacles only when the lights are off and the flash light is aimed at it, but not just in the dark
would that be a good time to try and feed it? why does it respond to the flash light but not my tank lighting?