Tube Anemone??

Hello all, does any one know if it is safe to keep a tube anemone in my 125 gallon mixed reef tank. And i read something about them having a powerful sting. if so would it hurt me? will it eat any of my reef fish? my fish are:
~Blue Hippo tang
~Pair of Clowns
~3 stripe Damsel
~6 line wrasse
would these fish be effected by a tube anemone?
P.S.~if anyone has one and could post a pic, that would be great!


Well-Known Member

I no longer have my beautiful fish eater, it glowed in the dark...I got tired of it killing my I didn't place it into the tank again after I moved.They will not sting you if you touch it, but any fish that gets near it is doomed. Be sure to cover all power heads...they like to commit sushi that is a picture of mine..It was 12 inches fully inflated. It could reduce itself down to a little sac of snot..I thought it was dead I don’t know how many times. They like deep sand beds...and it abandons the sac under the sand..You have to fish it out every once in a while..My sand sifter goby would not clean the sand in that area until I removed the abandoned sac. (Happens only when they move)
My tank no longer looks like this, but it is a good picture of the anemone. LOL...I hadn't looked at this picture in looks so empty.


I have a pic posted under awesome tube anamone check it out. and i have never had any prob with it killing anything. from seahorses to tangs. mine is at least five and i feed it krill most every day.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lukeist1
I have a pic posted under awesome tube anamone check it out. and i have never had any prob with it killing anything. from seahorses to tangs. mine is at least five and i feed it krill most every day.

They fish that as in my tank from when my anemone was smaller had no problem avoiding it. The new fish were dead in a day. They swam right into the stingers. It got to the point that i couldn't add any new fish at all. It was the most beautiful critter in the tank, but it had to go.


wow did it look like this? i have never had one issure with mine? hu go figure??? even keep seahorses in this tank???I
