Tube anenome with a perm?


New Member
Anybody ever had this happen to theirs? For a long time they looked straight and then the other day it looks like it got a perm and is very curly?????


Active Member
Originally Posted by edfire4
Anybody ever had this happen to theirs? For a long time they looked straight and then the other day it looks like it got a perm and is very curly?????

Yea... hows your water quality and how often do you feed it. I had a similar thing happen to mine but after a water change a few days later it was ok. Not sure if it was that or not just seemed logical to assume.


New Member
He's pretty hard to feed. He will not accept shrimp, so I assume he gets the small bits of shrimp that float by when I'm feeding my other fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by edfire4
He's pretty hard to feed. He will not accept shrimp, so I assume he gets the small bits of shrimp that float by when I'm feeding my other fish.

Keep an eye on it. It shouldnt continue to look like that long term.