Tuesday night pics


Here's some pics from my 120g that I took tonight with my new camera. Kodak Easyshare C340. I'm just learning to use it so ignore the bad quality of some of the pics.



I forgot to add Id's and what not. So here goes.
1st 5
1. One of the 2 H. malu anemones in the tank.
2. Bicolor blenny
3. Open Brain coral
4. H.malu and A. occelaris(sp?) clown
5. Most of the left side of the tank
2nd 5
1. fts complete with my kitten at the top right
2. another fts
3. brownish gsp, orangeish un-ided polyps, torch coral hitch hiker
4. left side
5. right side
3rd 5
1. macro algae
2. blue mushrooms, dime sized toadstool, un-ided pink polyps
3. Wrasse
4. green and red zoos
5. orange-ish sparkle zoos


What Is The Name Of The Polyps? I Have Some And I Am Confused As To What Their Real Name Is? In The 3rd Pic Of The Post


I think you are talking about the gsp which stands for Green Star Polyp. Easy to take care of and grows relatively fast for most people.


hmm 140 views and only 3 ppl posted... People must not like my tank too much.

I'll give you a little background info on the tank. It's a 120g tank with 2 150watt metal halides, 2 96Watt Pc Actinics, and 3 moonlights. It has a 19g sump and a Euroreef Skimmer (don't remember what model). I'm very happy with the skimmer. We went on vacation within the first couple weeks of having the tank up. My neighbor, who my dad employed to take care of the tank against my wishes, has no clue about saltwater fish at all. He let the water evap about 6-10 inches and the temp got quite high because of that. :scared: When I came back from vacation the tank was covered in hair algae and cyano bacteria. The water parameters had gone all wonky. Nitrates and Ammonia were high. Calcium was half of what it should be. Alkalinity was through the room. I cleaned up the cyano and then started working on the hair algae. Then came the diatom bloom. I'd say that was the worst part because they aren't easy to suck up like cyano and you can't rip it off the rocks like hair algae. The diatoms and hair algae are pretty much gone and we only lost one fish because of all this. (knock on wood) I thought some of my corals were gonners but they seem to be recovering now that the water params are getting back to normal. The only thing that is still out of whack is alkalinity which we are fixing now. It's only been up since August, which makes it a little over 4 months old. I'm proud of where my tank is now.