Tulip Snail


New Member
Does anyone have any of these? We've just purchased one and what we've read so far is that they are venomous and will eat starfish and other inverts. A hobbyist in our area just opened his own shop and has these and he said they are fine. The book does mention that many distrubutors will pass these off as reef safe and not tell the hobbyist how dangerous they are to reefs. I'm not sure if I should take it back or not. The picture in our book with the description on how dangerous they are, is exactly like this one. The guy we got it off of has several brittle stars and other inverts in his tank and it seemed okay but this thing wasn't cheap and I don't want it feeding on my inverts either. :confused: Please help.
Next time, I'm going to read more before I buy anything different. I do that already with corals but not with inverts as much.
Thanks for any advice you can provide me.