Tunze Turbelle question


My tank is 125g (2 overflows) w/ a 4" sandbed and about 100# LR. I am planning to switch out the powerheads fur a Tunze Turbelle Stream Kit (Stream 6000). I've only seen the highest of praise for these units, other than comments of the sandstorm they can create. Question...what is the best placement to minimize blowing the sand around? I'm thinking about getting the Deco Rock accessory, so it is hidden as much as possible, but am wondering if it sitting on the bottom will swirl the sand more than if it is hanging closer to the top? Thanks...


you can adjust the flow . you will need to put them near to the top.if your tank 72" length it will be better to go with the 6100. by the way the tunze are great specially if you add the controller compare to the tunze you can get the vortec pump and to save the heat you can adjust the flow to but the controller not available yet in the market. you can buy the seio pump they are good pump also and have great flow to they are cheaper then the tunze and the vortec but you can not adjust the flow (they will come with controller soon) the size of the seio pump same as the size of the tunze pump .all those pump work well but the option with the tunze when you add the controller not available yet with the other pump .