Turbo died, should I remove?


One of my Turbo snails that keeps falling on its back (I've had to right him about 6 times in the last 4 days) has died I think. Should I remove him or keep him in there for tank thingies to eat? I'm leaning towards removing him. I'd like to keep the shell in the tank somehow regardless, to remind me of my first death.
So should he stay or should he go?


Active Member
if it is in a 10 gal iwould take him out. occasionally i have a snail die in my 30w/ no ill effects but since it is a small volume of H2O it would mostlikley create a small ammonia spike


Well I would remove him, but I would make sure first that it's dead though. Falling on its back often does not mean that it's dead. My cerith snails falls down several times per week, and they're all ok. So make sure it's dead, then remove him. If he's dead and you don't remove him, your water will stink like crazy.

aqua blue

I had a very similar thing happen to one of my Turbo Snails. After it died I was concerned about a possible ammonia spike. I removed the dead snail and boiled it and removed it from the shell. I cut up four small pieces to feed the hermit crabs with and then placed the empty shell in my tank. The next day I removed what was left of 3 small pieces of the original 4 that I had placed in the tank. It doesn't seem to have caused any problems. Just my limited experience.