Turbo Snails Acting Weird / Dying


I started with 3 turbos...one died and the other 2 have not moved since I've been home from work (about 4 hours now). They are attached to some LR but just staying still. Up until Sunday they were doing very well...very active and doing a great job keeping the tank clean. I'm not sure what is going on. The only changes I've made since Sunday is added 3 zoanthid frags. To attach the frags to the LR I used Aquastik...could that have something to do with it? My last water test results (taken Sunday morning) seemed fine.
Temp: 78
Salinity: 1.025
pH: 8.2
Ammonia, Trites & Trates: 0ppm
Alk: 9.9 dkH
Calcium: 390ppm
Phosphate: 0ppm
I just did a 20% water change so I will test again tomorrow. Any ideas on what could be happening? Should I test for anything else?
Also, when I did the water change I siphoned the sand a little because it was a little brown, not diatoms just dirty looking, but the sand was kind of stuck together. Is that normal or should it be pure white?


Active Member
I wouldn't worry. I read once that snails can sleep for 2 weeks. But at any rate, I've had snails sit still for a day or two then be active for a week strait; rinse and repeat...


Originally Posted by Farslayer
Same here my friend, don't worry. How did you acclimate the snails?
The snails have been in the tank for over a month now and up until the last day or 2 were very active. Initially took care of my diatom bloom then my hair algea and lately have been doing a good job of keeping the tank clean. Maybe they are running out of food and it's just coincidence that it happened after I added the zoos?
Any ideas on what the brown stuff could be on my sand? Doesn't look anything like it did when I had diatoms.


Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
do they move at night?
The 2 that I still have were moving around yesterday, just haven't seen them do anything today. I knew the 3rd one was dead when one of my Nassarius snails was sucked to the opening. When I removed it from the tank it did have an odor.


dont worry snails are funny like that! mine do that every other day they stop for a day or to then there zooming all over the tank!


I guess if all 3 were still, but alive, I wouldn't worry...but since one died it has me a little concerned that something is wrong. Guess I should see how they are doing tomorrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by estein02
I guess if all 3 were still, but alive, I wouldn't worry...but since one died it has me a little concerned that something is wrong. Guess I should see how they are doing tomorrow.
Sometimes snails just die. You really have no way of knowing how long the LFS had them before selling them to you so it could have been really old. With your tests turning out ok you really don't need to worry. When you end up with all your snails dead, then it's time to start looking ...
I did the same thing once too when one of mine died. A week later another one did. I had perfect water test results and nothing died since. I realized then that sometimes snails just die....


Originally Posted by m0nk
Sometimes snails just die. You really have no way of knowing how long the LFS had them before selling them to you so it could have been really old. With your tests turning out ok you really don't need to worry. When you end up with all your snails dead, then it's time to start looking ...
I did the same thing once too when one of mine died. A week later another one did. I had perfect water test results and nothing died since. I realized then that sometimes snails just die....
Gotcha...never thought a snail dying would cause me so much concern.
I know this is unrelated but do you know what the brown stuff on my sand could be. I'm thinking algea because I believe I am past the diatom stage. I added some Nassarius snails (just 3) to help stir up the sand, but I think I need to do something else.
Thanks for all of the help.


Active Member
i have about 10 of the nass sails in my 55 gal and i did have the brown stuff before i adding them i did i added one turbo the other day just for extra


Active Member
i have about 10 of the nass sails in my 55 gal and i did have the brown stuff before i adding them i did i added one turbo the other day just for extra


Originally Posted by jessica47421
i have about 10 of the nass sails in my 55 gal and i did have the brown stuff before i adding them i did i added one turbo the other day just for extra
Thanks...I'm thinking that I need to add a few more Nass snails. I also read that conchs were good at stirring up the sand.