Turbo Snails are dying



Does anyone know why my Turbo snails show no signs of any activity in my tank? And one died as well. The other type of snails seems to be okay. I just cant figure out what it is. By the way they have plenty of algae to eat. Im thinking maybe it is my lighting? Do I have to acclimate the lighting for these little turbos as well? IF so, why havnt the other type of snails found dead? Please help.
I have a 14gal biocube
150watts of metal halide
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ph 8.1
Salinity 1.024
Temp stay around 79.5 - 80.5
Calcium 420


i was wondering if u got the chance to acclimateit first b4 u added it to the tank,bcuz when i first got my astreia snails i just added it in there,,the next day all 4 died...im serious...so did u?