Turbo Snails - Death?!


What will cause a Turbo Snail to die? I've had 3 or 4 die off in the last few weeks out of about 11 of them. Is it because there is not enough food for them to eat anymore? What should I feed them and how can I feed them if I wanted them to stay alive?
And what else could I get to clean diatoms off my DSB besides hermit crabs. I have one hermit crab that was a hitchhiker and is getting to be a decent size (about 1/2" wide). The ones I purchased from the LFS to clean up my diatoms are a lot smaller.


How long has your tank been up?
I believe that if there is copper in the tank than this could cause inverts to die.
If not maybe you need to take back some of your cleanup crew and balance out the tank. Algae produced vs. number of cleanup crew.


Tank has been up about 4 months. Had heavy diatoms on parts of the glass and is why I originally got the snails. They did a good job cleaning up. There is still some in the tank, but definitely not an abundance. My tank is a 55 gal. I would think 11 would be OK. Maybe not..
Any ideas on an alternative to hermit crabs for cleaning up my DSB?


I have heard that if turbo snails fall off glass etc... they can drown because they can not turn themselves back over:confused:
Do not know if this is true maybe someone can jump in here.


I think turbos aren't real good with heat. Also they seem to need a lot of food. I couldn't keep them alive for long either. Go with the ceriths, they're tough and they reproduce in the tank.
Red foot moon snails are not supposed to be good with heat either but I've had some luck with them. They seemed to have the most varied diet. It looked like they even ate cyano when I had a small outbreak a while ago.