Turbo snails


Active Member
How much do turbo snails contribute to the bio of a 35G fish only tank.
I know the fish length/ water ratio, but what would, say, 10 turbos be the equivalent of in inches?
Thanx folks


when it comes to inverts you dont really have to include them in the inches/gall. inverts dont really add much to a bioload its the fish that do


I am not sure how much they contribute to the bio load. I do know they are great though. If they fall off the glass and land on their backs which for some reason mine do, they can flip themselves over. Mine are the mexican turbo snails.


one thing is people with reef only tanks no fish have very low bioloads and can run skimmerless w/o problems. but they can have tons of corals, shrimps, crabs, snails,etc. and has no extra effects on the systems


inverts dont cause alot of load in the system at all, i heard that you can keep 1-2 snail per gallon of water.. so for ur 35 gal u can keep 35 snail. correct me if im wrong ppl... thats big $$$ but ur tank would be nice and clean:D