Turbo Snails


New Member
On Tuesday I purchased 10 turbo snails, I acclimated them for 3 hours. They have not moved since. I purchased 10 more today and they are not moving. They look like they are frozen in time. They are out of their shells but are not moving. I have algae all over my tank so they will not starve, I just need them to do their job. Any suggestions on why they are acting this way? I have had my water tested 3 times and everything is perfect.


Active Member
i am not sure what is wrong with your snails but they are great at doing there job just give them some time.


Active Member
mine did nothing for 5 days when i put them in its prolly shock just leave them im sure theyll be fine


Active Member
I would wait a few days. If the snails were dead, there would be an increase in your ammonia level. Since there isn't, I think that they are fine and just need some time to adjust to things. As was said before, they are probably just in shock.


Active Member

Originally posted by curly65
On Tuesday I purchased 10 turbo snails, I acclimated them for 3 hours.
did you float them only or add water also?
They are out of their shells but are not moving
. Out of the shell is not good, call it dead IMO.
I have had my water tested 3 times and everything is perfect.
What is perfect? You have the numbers? How old is the tank?


New Member
Thank you for your information. I contacted the store that I purchased them from they told me if they do not smell they are not dead but had no answer as to why they are acting so strange. I use only distilled water so I don't have to worry about the copper level. My Ph level is 8.2, calcium is 400, nitrate and nitrites are zero, the amonia test came back cloudy with no color. My tank is 16 month old, everything else is fine. I added a sallylightfoot crab and he is great. Still confused!!:confused:


Active Member
just let them be they must have come from the rich side of the tank and are waiting for someone to give them a menu:D :D :D :D .
ours dont move a whole lot either, but at night they move alot more, one thing to try is get a few to stick to the glass in front and if it is dead it wont, if it is alive it should grab right on, then if it falls it could be dead then, just something to try.


Active Member
what does 'cloudy with no colour' mean in regards to your ammonia? Do you know that it is definately zero? Not having a reading isnt really an option with ammonia, you definately need to know.
BTW I second the smell test.