turbo twist UV


Hello all
I am thinking about putting a UV on my new tank.
I know that some of you out there don't like the UV idea, however I will be keeping serval tang includind a hippo (with is pron to ich)
so has any one had any experance with the turbo twist UVs they say that a 36 watt unit can handle up to 500G!!!
I have a 240G should I get two of these ( I have two pumps) or just one??? :notsure:
any input one these or any other UVs would be great!


Active Member
you want the lowest pump that will work on it the longer the water travels thru and is exposed to the light the better. I put one on my tank to help deal with the green algea on my glass, i was not expecting the results i have gotten. i don't have to clean my glass half as much now and it only seems to be getting better every day. you also should have the water pre filtered also. I have mine inline with my canister filter thru the uv and out into the tank.