turbo upgrade for berlin classic


Active Member
This is my opinion only, but I would not do it. I have a berlin Turbo pump and it is the biggest piece of garbage I have ever owned. It only took them 5 impellor redesigns to get one that would restart reliably, but they only last a few months and they start rattling. When mine goes out again, I converting it to a regular berlin or either throwing it out and buying a new one.


Although I agree not the best skimmer out there. I upgraded mine using there kit and I like it better. I hated having to pull out the venturi and clean it all the time. I've found it to be more efficient than before with less maintenance.
The kit they send you is nothing more than a pump that's properly rated that has venturi action within the pump itself. Then they have you remove the original venturi valve from the skimmer and remove the air inlet over the venturi section and replace with a plug (easily purchased at local HW store).