Turning 55gal FOWLR to a Reef


New Member
Looks like you need :help:
well, you aren't going to get it if you lie about how long your tank has been established, according to this forum's archives you've had this tank for about EDIT*3
*EDIT months. Whats up with that?

Also, thats a question i can not answer, hehehe hoh oh ho ***)


Active Member
I'm from NY. Just asking I thought I knuew who you were. Any way for the people that calim he lied about when he started his tank why would he? He can start a reef tank after 6 months too. He probably just joind this forum then but has his tank before that like myself.


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
I'm from NY. Just asking I thought I knuew who you were. Any way for the people that calim he lied about when he started his tank why would he? He can start a reef tank after 6 months too. He probably just joind this forum then but has his tank before that like myself.
Hes my friend and is trying to give me a hard time.