turning red


New Member
Everything in my tank is starting to turn redish brown. What is this and how do i control it. It's on the sand, glass, rocks, even corals.


It sounds like it might be Diatoms. Is it a new tank, if so it is a normal part of the cycle and should go away in time. just make sure you are using RO water for your tank when you do water changes. Tap water is BAD, it contains metals and chlorine and other things.
Do you have anything in the tank? If you have finished the cycle a clean up grew will help.


New Member
i have had the tank for about 3 months, i alsready have snails, crabs, shrimp, and a few other inverts. This problem just appeard after a water change. I used tap water, but when i did a 20% water cahnge i bought the water from my Local Fish Store. I have fish in the tank is this dangerous?


Diatoms will not harm your fish or inverts. Always make sure you use RO water from now on. Diatoms is a normal part of a new tank, it normally goes away on its own. Cut you lights back to about 6 hours a day it helps. Also since you used tap water to set up the tank your phosphates might be real high. Flake food and frozen also have phosphates.
Soak the food in tank water then rinse with ro helps a lot.
Test your phosphates and if theey are high you can use a product like phosban, works well, can put it in a hang on filter or even better get a phosphate reactor. Works wonders.
and make sure you do your weekly water changes and use ro water.