Originally Posted by olga21 http:///forum/post/2998411
Will my Harlequin tusk get along with a Mystery Wrasse. They should be about the same size. Thanks
Probably. I've had 4 tusks; 2 now and 2 before I moved. None of them bother anything they can't eat. I've noticed that other, more aggressive fish leave them alone too. The tusk should grow much bigger than the mystery wrasse. I think mystery wrasse only grow to about 4"; 4 inch tusks are very hard to find. Most Australian tusks are sold at a much bigger size. The tusk is also a much bulkier, more robust fish.
Dear hobbyist,in my 150 gallon aquarium I have an 8" Australian Harlequin tusk that shares the tank with a 3" cleaner wrasse, and a 7" Corris wrasse, and they don't fight at all. From time to time the cleaner wrasse can be a bit of a pest,but the tusk keeps it in order
Well not so good news. The Husk scared the Mystery Wrasse into a rock and pinned him. The Mystery Wrasse couldnt get out and the Husk bite his tail off. The Mystery Wrasse was a bit smaller that what I expected but I thougt the mystery could hold his own. I had to break the rock to get the mystery wrasse out and a lot of his scales were damaged. He is currently in a 6 gallon nano and seems to be doing ok. I guess well see how hardy they are.
do you have a QT you could put the tusk in for a week or so, re-arrange the rock and put the mystery wrasse back in, let it get settled then in a week or so, put the tusk back in,,, that about the most you can do if its gonna work
Yea, that the plan. I am using my 6 gallon nano cube as the quaratine tank right now. There is no fish in there. The Mystery Wrasse is doing great, he is eating brine and swimming around. I have to say that they are hardy. This has been the most adversity I have experienced and I have had fish since 1984. I put some vita-chem in there and with the brine so hopefully that will help his fins.
The Plan
After a few weeks once the mystery wrasse is better I will put him in the display tank at night. However, the Husk will be in the 6 gallon nano for atleast a day or so. Also, going to show the mysteri wrasse a few Rambo movies to tuffin him up. Thanks for the concern. Its nice to have a place to vent my frustration and happiness. Thanks again!
Do you thank it was correct to pull the mysteri wrasse out are let him come out on his own? I felt that the Tusk scared him enough that he would never had come out. The Tusk would have eatin him alive and the mysteri did nothing to stop him. Then when I pulled him and rock out of the water he tried to get out but couldnt. I think he could have gotton out on his own but rather had starved and not gotton out. Well, no regrets so far on taking him out.
Originally Posted by olga21 http:///forum/post/3002487
How long u think I can keep the myseri wrasse in the 6 gallon nano?
Not long.
I sort of questioned this in my earlier post when I (sort of ) asked how they could be the same size. Even if you did find a tusk the same length as the MW; the tusk is a much bigger (bulkier) fish. HTs are fairly civilized fish; but will go after anything they consider food.