Tusk with Damsels?


Active Member
Does anyone think this would work?
I recently lost my Lion and all other fish in the tank are herb/omnivours so a random sprinkle of blue and yellow would really add to my 240.
Just don't want to dump 20-30 damsels just to watch my Tusk go to town on them. Might try 1 first and add from there.
Anyone kept a Tusk with Damsels?
My god, how many Damsels could I put in a 240g?


Active Member
I had a 5.5" Tusk with a domino for a couple months. No problems, also had small 1"-1.5" porkfish that the Tusk never glanced twice at. I kept a 4" Tusk with 2 small chromis in QT and a pair of neon gobies in the display for about 2 months, no problems.
IME, they are crustacean eaters and could careless about other fish (minus when the other fish aren't smart enough to stand care of the Tusk during feeding). I have heard reports of 'large' over 7"-8" Tusks becoming aggressive though. So get a medium one lol.


Active Member
Already have a 6-7" one that typically doesn't bother anyone but has went toe to toe with my Queen a time or two but she starts the fight.
I have also seen him go after brackish water grass shrimp and minnows that I caught in the bay. I guess we'll just have to give it a shot and see how he does.


New Member
You cant be talkin bout a halequin tusk.Ive had one before and he was vicious toward anything smaller than him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rivieraduec
You cant be talkin bout a halequin tusk.Ive had one before and he was vicious toward anything smaller than him.
I am. And he is in with a Blue Devil Damsel and a Maroon Clown now without problems.
Time will tell.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rivieraduec
You cant be talkin bout a halequin tusk.Ive had one before and he was vicious toward anything smaller than him.
What was he in, a 29long?
My Tusk was great with small fish. Never batted an eye at anyone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rivieraduec
You cant be talkin bout a halequin tusk.Ive had one before and he was vicious toward anything smaller than him.
If a HT was aggressive; I'd bet it was in a tank that was too small or subject to other stress factors. I really can't think of many fish the size of a HT that is as peaceful. They are big, active, robust fish; but will seldom bother other fish. They will eat very small fish, just like any carnivore would, if they have the opportunity. The big picture, IMO, is that the damsels will severely limit what you can put in that tank; they are capable of terrorizing fish many times their size and I would never put a treasured fish into a tank full of damsels, as pretty as they are. How to remove terrorist damsels is a very common topic on this forum. IMO, a school of chromis, or a group of anthias (1M+2-4F) would be a nice alternative.


Active Member
Just a note to all...my 7" Tusk and 2" Blue Devil Damsel are in the 240 and doing great. The tusk never even looked at him, in fact the damsel was right in the mix come feeding time.
Bring a bottle o'wine/12pk , some mysis shrimp and some fishing gear and you can have all the dam(damsels) you want out of my tank! will help me out of my problem